CD Review ~ Drowning Pool – Hellelujah

Label : Entertainment One Music

Released : February 5th, 2016

Written by : Crystal Myth

Between their revolving cast of singers, mediocre albums and their 2013 “Resilience” which I can only describe as; “HOLY WOW, what the hell was that” I had written Drowning Pool off. Reluctant is the kindest word for how I was feeling when I queued up their 2016 “Hellelujah”.

However, from the opener “Push” this album declares it’s a new era for Drowning Pool and I was sucked in immediately!

While Jason Moreno (of The Suicide Hook) filled the role of vox in 2012 and performed on 2013’s “Resilience” he hadn’t OWNED Drowning Pool and hadn’t truly brought his unique stylings to the songs. That all changed with “Hellelujah”! Moreno drives NASCAR quick vocals on track after track while using his range to layout huge choruses! Drowning Pool is no longer the core trio of guitarist C.J Pierce, bassist Stevie Benton and drummer Mike Luce with “someone” on vocals…it’s now a cohesive unit and Moreno owns it!

I love when a band does something completely unexpected and/or makes me laugh. Drowning Pool serves up both in “Hellelujah”! The rustic hillbilly opening of “We are The Devil” caught me completely by surprise. While the playful introduction of “Meet The Bullet” with children reciting a bit more twisted version of a childhood rhyme makes me laugh out loud.

Yes Drowning Pool regained my respect with “Hellelujah” as it truly is a solid overall metal album and it appears these four have finally solidified into a solid group. Which is great news going forward for Drowning Pool fans.