Label : Entertainment One Music
Released : April 8th 2016
Written by : Andrea Newell
Zakk Wylde is not a name that needs an introduction. The man has had an impressive career as a multi-talented musician whether he is playing guitar, piano, or as a lead singer, he rarely disappoints.
I have to admit, I didn’t have high hopes for Book of Shadows II but, after listening to it twice, it really, really grew on me.
This album has a great southern rock\bluesy\country feel. It makes me want to sit by a campfire, relax, and have a few beers. Or, even quite possibly, sit all alone and have a good cry!
Book of Shadows II is not overdone. It is melodic and straight from the heart. The lyrics are deeply written and the songs are not cheesy rock ballads, they are mature and from the heart. The guitar parts are solid throughout the whole album. Zakk really put some thought into this and, it shows.
There were a few songs that really stood out to me while listening and they quickly became my favorites. Tears of December, I’m convinced is written about one of Zakk’s Best Friends, Dimebag Darrell, hence the December reference. After reading the lyrics I felt that Zakk really laid his feelings on the line with this song.
Lost Prayer has an amazing bluesy feel to it, I think this might be my favorite on the whole album or, it might even be a toss up with Sleeping Dogs. Either way, both songs are equally mesmerizing and Lost Prayer has an amazing guitar solo, as do many of the other songs.
Eyes of Burden has a bit of a Led Zeppelin “Tangerine” feel to it. I put this song on repeat a few times.
The whole album flows very nicely together. I was thoroughly impressed and there wasn’t one song that I felt I wanted to skip over. The album ends on a high but, very mellow note with the song The King, which is an all around beautiful song.
Book of Shadows II won’t leave you disappointed but, if you are looking for Black Label Society, then this might not be for you. Book of Shadows II might be some of Zakk’s finest work to date and I look forward to what he puts out in the future.
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